AS 2891.7.1-1993

Methods of sampling and testing asphalt – Determination of maximum density of asphalt – Water displacement method
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1993

AS 2879.7-1997

Alumina – Determination of trace elements – Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1997

AS 2891.1-1986

Methods of sampling and testing asphalt – Sampling of asphalt
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1986

AS 3735 SUPP 1-2001

Concrete structures for retaining liquidsCommentary – (Supplement to AS 37352001)
standard by Standards Australia, 03/13/2001

AS 3706.3-1990

Geotextiles – Methods of test – Determination of tearing strength – Trapezoidal method
standard by Standards Australia, 10/15/1990

AS 3572.4-2002

Plastics – Glass filament reinforced plastics (GRP) – Methods of test – Determination of the dimensions of glass filament reinforced plastics pipes
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2002

AS 3572.12-1989 AMDT 1

Plastics – Glass filament reinforced plastics (GRP) – Methods of test – Determination of initial failure pressure and initial hoop strength of glass filament reinforced plastics pipes
Amendment by Standards Australia, 03/11/1998

AS 3102-1983 AMDT 4

Approval and test specification for electric duct heaters
Amendment by Standards Australia, 01/01/1983

AS 3789.1-1991

Textiles for health care facilities and institutions – General ward linen
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1991

AS 3766-1990

Mechanical fittings for low voltage aerial bundled cables
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1990