AS 3583.1-1998 AMDT 1

Methods of test for supplementary cementitious materials for use with portland and blended cement – Determination of fineness by the 45 micrometre sieve
Amendment by Standards Australia, 01/01/1998

AS 2724.5-1987

Ambient air – Particulate matter – Part 5: Determination of impinged matter expressed as directional dirtiness, background dirtiness and/or area dirtiness (directional dust gauge method)
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1987

AS 3500.4-1990

National Plumbing and Drainage Code – Hot water supply systems
standard by Standards Australia, 08/13/1990

AS 2835.1-1998

Absorbent woven gauze – Cotton
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1998

AS 2659.1-1988

Guide to the use of sound measuring equipment – Portable sound level meters
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1988

AS 3600-2001

Concrete structures
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2001

AS 2898.1-2003

Radar speed detection – Functional requirements and definitions
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2003

AS 2682-1984

Performance of household electrical appliances – Range hoods
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1984

AS 2582.14-2006

Complete, filled transport packages – Methods of test – Water immersion test
standard by Standards Australia, 07/10/2006

AS 3689.2-1991

Automatic fire extinguishing systems using halogenated hydrocarbons – Mechanical components
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1991