AS 10002:2022

Guidelines for complaint management in organizations (ISO 10002:2018, NEQ)
standard by Standards Australia, 03/25/2022

AS 5350.2:2022

Privately contracted security and detection dogs, Part 2: Training and certification of dogs and handlers
standard by Standards Australia, 03/25/2022

AS 2444-1981

Portable fire extinguishers selection and location
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1981

AS 7601.1:2021

Light rail and road interfaces, Part 1: Management of light rail vehicle movement
standard by Standards Australia, 11/29/2021

AS ISO/IEC 30105.3:2017 Amd 1:2022

Information technology – IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes, Part 3: Measurement framework (MF) and organization maturity model (OMM)
Amendment by Standards Australia, 04/22/2022

AS 4795.1-2011 Amd 2:2021

Butterfly valves for waterworks purposes, Part 1: Wafer and lugged
Amendment by Standards Australia, 11/26/2021

AS 4198:2022

Precast concrete access and maintenance chambers for sewerage applications
standard by Standards Australia, 03/18/2022

AS 3600:2018 Sup 1:2022

Concrete structures – Commentary (Supplement 1 to AS 3600:2018)
standard by Standards Australia, 03/25/2022

AS ISO 10263.6:2022

Earth-moving machinery – Operator enclosure environment, Part 6: Determination of effect of solar heating
standard by Standards Australia, 02/25/2022

AS CB1 INTP4-1965

Interpretation No. 4 to AS CB1-1963 SAA Boiler Code. Hot water boilers with expansion vessels
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1965