AS/NZS 1491-1996

Finger jointed structural timber
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1996

AS/NZS 2064.1-1992

Limits and methods of measurement of electromagnetic disturbance characteristics of industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment – General requirements
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1992

AS/NZS 1050.30-1994

Methods for the analysis of iron and steel – Determination of boron content – Curcumin spectrophotometric method
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1994

AS/NZS ISO 22846.1:2020

Personal equipment for protection against falls – Rope access systems, Part 1: Fundamental principles for a system of work
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 07/10/2020

AS/NZS ISO 14012:1996 AMDT 1

Guidelines for environmental auditing – Qualification criteria for environmental auditors
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1996

AS/NZS 1635.4.2-1995

Methods of test for pressure-sensitive adhesive tape – Stability – Accelerated ageing of cellulose tape
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1995

AS/NZS 1604.3-2004 AMDT 1

Specification for preservative treatment – Plywood
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2004

AS/NZS 1477-1996

PVC pipes and fittings for pressure applications
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1996

AS/NZS 60695.1.1:2001

Fire hazard testing – Guidance for assessing the fire hazard of electrotechnical products
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2001

AS/NZS 60479.1:2002

Effects of current on human beings and livestock – General aspects
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2002