AS/NZS 4266.3:2004

Reconstituted wood-based panels – Methods of test – Moisture content
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2004

AS/NZS 3654:1996

Information technology – Specification for a data descriptive file for information interchange
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1996

AS/NZS 3350.2.7:2001

Safety of household and similar electrical appliances – Particular requirements for washing machines (IEC 60335-2-7:2000, MOD)
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2001

AS/NZS 3350.2.40:2001 AMDT 1

Safety of household and similar electrical appliances – Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers (IEC 60335-2-40:1995, MOD)
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2001

AS/NZS 4266.7:1995 AMDT 1

Reconstituted wood-based panels – Methods of test – Determination of surface soundness
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1995

AS/NZS 4095 SUPP 1:1995

Information technology – Telecommunications and information exchange between systems – End system routing information exchange protocol for use in conjunction with AS 3604 – Protocol implementation conformance statement (Supplement to AS/NZS 4095:1993)
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1995

AS/NZS 3823.2:2009 AMDT 1

Performance of electrical appliances – Air conditioners and heat pumps
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2009

AS/NZS 3548:1995 AMDT 2

Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of information technology equipment
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1995

AS/NZS 3350.2.84:2000 AMDT 2

Safety of household and similar electrical appliances – Particular requirements for toilets (IEC 60335-2-84:1998, MOD)
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2000

AS/NZS 5667.5:1998

Water quality – Sampling – Guidance on sampling of drinking water and water used for food and beverage processing
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1998