AS/NZS 4208:1994

Information technology – Font information interchange – Procedure for registration of glyph and glyph collection identifiers
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1994

AS/NZS 3905.5:1995

Quality system guidelines – Guide to AS/NZS ISO 9001 for education and training
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1995

AS/NZS 3750.3:2008

Paints for steel structures, Part 3: Heat resisting – Exterior
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 05/19/2008

AS/NZS 3350.2.55:1998

Safety of household and similar electrical appliances – Particular requirements – Electrical appliances for use with aquariums and garden ponds
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1998

AS/NZS 4737:2002 AMDT 1

Motor vehicles – 'I' beam steer axle camber adjustment
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2002

AS/NZS 4503.2:1997

Protective clothing – Protection against liquid chemicals, Part 2: Test method: Determination of resistance to penetration by a jet of liquid (Jet test)
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 10/05/1997

AS/NZS 4475.4:1997

Restraint systems for motor vehiclesPerformance tests, Method 4: Determination of adjustment device forces
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1997

AS/NZS 2728:2007

Prefinished/prepainted sheet metal products for interior/exterior building applications – Performance requirements
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 02/20/2007

AS/NZS 3350.2.76:1998 AMDT 3

Safety of household and similar electrical appliances – Particular requirements – Electric fence energizers (IEC 60335-2-76:1997, MOD)
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1998

AS/NZS 3018:1997 AMDT 1

Electrical installations – Domestic installations
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1997