AS/NZS 4871.3:2010 Amd 1:2017

Electrical equipment for mines and quarries – Substations
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 02/22/2017

AS/NZS 4266.13:2004

Reconstituted wood-based panels – Methods of test – Resistance to axial withdrawal of screws
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2004

AS/NZS 3150:1993 AMDT 1

Approval and test specification – Insect electrocutors
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 04/06/2000

AS/NZS 4509.2:2010

Stand-alone power systems, Part 2: System design
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 11/22/2010

AS/NZS 4357.3:2006

Structural laminated veneer lumber (LVL) – Determination of structural properties – Evaluation methods
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 04/11/2006

AS/NZS 4251.1:1994

Electromagnetic compatibility – Generic emission standard – Residential, commercial and light industry
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1994

AS/NZS 4266.13(INT):2001

Reconstituted wood-based panels – Methods of test – Resistance to axial withdrawal of screws
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2001

AS/NZS 4170.9:1994

Information technology – International standardized profiles TB, TC, TD and TE – Connection-mode transport service over connection-mode network service – Subnetwork-type dependent requirements for the network layer, data link layer and physical layer co
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1994

AS/NZS 4095:1993 AMDT 1

Information technology – Telecommunications and information exchange between systems – End system routing information exchange protocol for use in conjunction with AS/NZS 3604
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 04/06/2000

AS/NZS 2416.1:2010 AMDT 1

Water safety signs and beach safety flags
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2010