AS/NZS 61347.2.10:2019

Lamp controlgear, Part 2.10: Particular requirements for electronic invertors and convertors for high-frequency operation of cold start tubular discharge lamps (neon tubes) (IEC 61347-2-10:2009 (ED. 1.1) MOD)
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 02/20/2019

AS/NZS 60335.2.81-2012

Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2012

AS/NZS 60969-2001

Self ballasted lamps for general lighting services – Performance requirements
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2001

AS/NZS 60695.10.2-2004 AMDT 1

Fire hazard testing – Abnormal heat – Ball pressure test
Amendment by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2004

AS/NZS ISO/IEC 15288:2013

Systems and software engineering – System life cycle processes
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 12/18/2013

AS/NZS ISO/IEC 15026.4-2013

Systems and software engineering – Systems and software assurance – Assurance in the life cycle
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2013

AS/NZS ISO 19135.2-2012

Geographic information – Procedures for item registration
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2012

AS/NZS 61347.2.9-2004

Lamp controlgear – Particular requirements for ballasts for discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps) (IEC 61347-2-9:2000 MOD)
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2004

AS/NZS 61000.4.30-2007

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Testing and measurement techniques – Power quality measurement methods
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 08/10/2007

AS/NZS 61000.4.1-1999

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Testing and measurement techniques – Overview of immunity tests
standard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/1999