ANSI C136.49-2016
American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment–Plasma Lighting
standard by American National Standards Institute, 07/01/2016
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American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment–Plasma Lighting
standard by American National Standards Institute, 07/01/2016
Opthalmics Instruments – Tonometers
standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/2003
American National Standard for Portable Primary Cells and Batteries with Aqueous Electrolyte – Safety Standard
standard by American National Standards Institute, 2017
Designation System for Aluminum Hardeners
standard by American National Standards Institute, 2009
American National Standard for Tungsten Halogen Lamps with G6.35, GX6.35 and GY6.35 Bases
standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1997
Opthalmics – Corneal Topography Systems – Standard Terminology – Requirements
standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1999
Rough-in of Radon Control Components in New Construction of 1 & 2 family dwellings and townhouses
standard by American National Standards Institute, 2020
American National Standard for Light-Emitting Diode Drivers – Methods of Measurement
standard by American National Standards Institute, 2016
American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment – Induction Lighting
standard by American National Standards Institute, 04/29/2015
American National Standard for Portable Primary Cells and Batteries with Aqueous Electrolyte – Safety Standard
standard by American National Standards Institute, 2019