ANSI C78.376-2014

American National Standard for Electric Lamps – Specifications for the Chromaticity of Fluorescent Lamps
standard by American National Standards Institute, 12/15/2014

ANSI Z80.11-2012 (R2017)

Ophthalmics – Laser Systems for Corneal Reshaping
standard by American National Standards Institute, 2012

ANSI C12.4-1984 (R2002, R2011)

American National Standard for Registers, Mechanical Demand
standard by American National Standards Institute, 05/01/1984

ANSI C136.34-2004 (R2009)

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Vandal Shields for Roadway and Area Lighting Luminaires
standard by American National Standards Institute, 10/06/2004

ANSI Z21.76

Gas-Fired Unvented Catalytic Room Heaters for Use with Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases
standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1994

ANSI C78.901-2016

American National Standard for Electric Lamps – Single-Based Fluorescent Lamps – Dimensional and Electrical Characteristics
standard by American National Standards Institute, 08/23/2016

ANSI C81.61 Supplement

American National Standard for Electrical Lamp Bases
standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1998

ANSI C12.18-2006 (R2016)

American National Standard for Protocol Specification for ANSI Type 2 Optical Port
standard by American National Standards Institute, 05/02/2006

ANSI C78.1417-1997

American National Standard for 1.65 in. (42 mm) Integral Reflector, Rim Reference Projection Lamps with GX5.3 or GY5.3 Bases – Dimensions and Centering Systems
standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1997

ANSI C12.7-2014

American National Standard for Requirements for Watthour Meter Sockets
standard by American National Standards Institute, 08/14/2014