A50 — Water Treatment: Deposition, Corrosion, and Biological Control (I-P)

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This chapter covers the fundamentals of water treatment. It providesguidance on the treatment of water and water-based fluids used in heating,air-conditioning, refrigeration, and process systems, with a focus on thecontrol of corrosion, scale, fouling, and biological growth. Proper treatmentimproves the performance and energy efficiency of these systems while helpingto protect human health and safety. Water treatment also extends the life ofequipment in both open- and closed-loop systems. In addition, water treatment canhelp conserve water resources as well as enable the use of alternative sourcesof water. All of these benefits help to promote a healthier, more sustainableenvironment.WATER QUALITY AND ITS SOURCESWater CharacteristicsWater SourcesWATER TREATMENTControlCorrosion and Corrosion ControlBiological Growth ControlNonchemical and Physical Water Treatment MethodsWater SystemsTERMINOLOGYNo. of Pages: 24

Citation: 2019 ASHRAE Handbook¿¿¿HVAC Applications

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