NFPA (Fire) 424

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Reduce risks to public safety with NFPA 424: Airport/Community Emergency Planning. Follow the latest recommendations on how to plan for emergencies using personnel from all concerned agencies, and how to establish adequate emergency training programs.

Close proximity of an airport to surrounding communities and the possibility of an off-airport aircraft incident give rise to the need for mutual aid emergency agreements as part of any community’s emergency plan. NFPA 424: Guide for Airport/Community Emergency Planning describes elements that require consideration before, during, and after an emergency has occurred, including command, communication, and coordination functions.

This best-practice document outlines commonly used practices in the airport rescue and fire fighting (ARFF) community. It incorporates NIMS terminology and NIMS positions, and features photos, tables, charts, and artwork reflecting what is commonly used in the industry today. It also identifies the need to include as many available resources that are at the disposal of the incident commander and to ensure the coordination with local medical facilities.

Changes bring NFPA 424 current with the field:

  • Revised language includes contact information for outside responding resources, triage, and medical care.
  • Added language covers written agreements with outside responding resources.
  • Updated referenced publications and definitions help ensure your agency is on top of related NFPA® codes and standards and other regulations.

The 2018 NFPA 424 is a valuable tool for departments that provide ARFF Services at airports as well as fire departments that might be used as a mutual aid department in the event of an aircraft accident/incident.

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NFPA (Fire) 424

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Prepare for airport and community emergencies using NFPA 424‘s comprehensive emergency planning procedures.

Reduce risks to public safety with this essential Guide. NFPA 424‘s proven recommendations address how to plan for using personnel from all concerned agencies in an emergency, and how to establish adequate emergency training programs.

Changes in the 2008 edition of NFPA 424 focus on key aspects of the process.

  • Revised figures include Decontamination Areas
  • Extensive revisions on the logistics of processing fatalities after a crisis

In addition, revised definitions throughout the Guide assist community planners and safety authorities with the information they need for clear and effective communication and collaboration.

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NFPA (Fire) 424

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This guide describes the elements of an airport/community emergency plan that require consideration before,during, and after an emergency has occurred. The scope of theairport/community emergency plan should include command,communication, and coordination functions for executing theAEP. Throughout this document, the airport/communityemergency plan will be referred to as the “AEP.”

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