3741 — Heat and Mass Transfer Performance Analysis of Cooling Coils at Part-Load Operating Conditions

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sents a rigorous heat and mass transfer performance analysis of a cooling and dehumidification coil at part-load operating conditions. For this purpose, solves numerically a set of coupled differential equations describing the heat and mass transfer from a water-cooled coil. Identifies several controlling parameters to analyses the part-load performance of a coil that is allowed to operate under dry, partially wet and completely wet modes. Defines air-side enthalpy and humidity effectiveness and uses them to report the part-load performance. Finally, compares the part-load performance as predicted by the numerical model with an easy-to-use procedure and with the catalogue data for commercially available cooling coils.

KEYWORDS: Heat flow, fluid flow, calculating, cooler batteries, part load, operations, heat content, humidity, comparing

Citation: ASHRAE Trans. 1994, vol.100, part 1, paper no.3741, 54-62, 7 figs, 1 tab, refs.

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