The Performance of Daylighting Systems Under Partly Cloudy Skies

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Current literature usually presents little information about performance of daylighting systems under partly cloudy skies, especially in tropical/subtropical humid climates. This paper presents research being conducted at three Brazilian universities, taking into account the following points of interest: (1) The development of a method of treatment of data related to daylight availability, which can be easily associated both with the usual calculation methods for interior lighting and with urban policies. (2) The study of ultraviolet, visible, and infrared spectral transmission of solar radiation through transparent and translucent building materials used in daylighting systems. (3) The study of advanced top lighting systems and the development of the respective devices. All research is being conducted keeping in mind that daylighting technology should put together both energy conservation and environmental quality. The final results will be disseminated among other Brazilian universities, especially those having courses of architecture and urban planning, as well as to building designers and private and public professionals.

Authors: Paulo S. Scarazzato; Lucila C. Labaki; Rosana Caram; Irving M. Franco; Márcia P. Alucci; Eleonora S. Assis
Citation: Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings VIII
Keywords: December, Florida, 2001

Citation: Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings VIII

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