BS 8500-2:2015

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BS 8500-2:2015 specifies constituent materials and concrete. This part ofBS 8500 complements BS EN 206. It provides United Kingdom national provisionswhere required or permitted by BS EN 206. It also covers materials, methods oftesting and procedures that are outside the scope of BS EN 206, but withinnational experience.

Cross References:
BS 812-104
BS 812-123
BS 1704
BS 1881-124
BS 1881-129
BS 6068-2.37
BS 6068-2.42
BS 6068-2.43
BS 6068-2.44
BS 7943
BS 7979
BS 8000-2.1
BS 8500-1:2015
BS EN 196-1
BS EN 196-2
BS EN 197-1:2011
BS EN 206:2013
BS EN 450-1:2012
BS EN 480-1
BS EN 480-10
BS EN 480-11
BS EN 480-12
BS EN 933-11
BS EN 934-2
BS EN 1008
BS EN 1097-3
BS EN 1744-1:2009+A1:2012
BS EN 12350-6
BS EN 12390-2
BS EN 12390-3
BS EN 12390-7
BS EN 12620
BS EN 12878:2014
BS EN 13055-1
BS EN 13263-1
BS EN 13286-51
BS EN 14216
BS EN 15167-1
BS EN 45011
BS EN ISO 9001
ISO/IEC 17021:2011
BS EN 196-7
BS EN 196-21
BS EN 1097-6
BS EN 12350-5
BS EN 14889-1
BS EN 14889-2
PD 6682-1
Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

Product Details

Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 810 KB
Product Code(s):
30291599, 30291599, 30291599
This product is unavailable in United Kingdom