BS CP 118:1969

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Design recommendations for the use of aluminium in all types of structure except those covered by other standards. Deals with three principal alloys (H30, N8 and H9), six supplementary alloys and gives advice on others. Sections on material, loading, design, testing, fabrication and erection, protection. There are thirteen appendices.

Cross References:
BS 153:Part 3A
BS 275
BS 350
BS 350:Part 1
BS 350:Part 2
Supplement No. 1 (PD 6203) to BS 350
BS 466
BS 499:Part 1
BS 499:Part 2
BS 641
BS 648
BS 729
BS 916
BS 1083
BS 1161
BS 1470
BS 1471
BS 1472
BS 1473
BS 1474
BS 1475
BS 1490
BS 1494:Part 1
BS 1500:Part 3
BS 1615
BS 1768
BS 1769
BS 1974
BS 2569:Part 1
BS 2708
BS 2901:Part 4
BS 3019:Part 1
BS 3416
BS 3451
BS 3571:Part 1
BS 3660
BS 3692
BS 3763
BS 3987
BS 3989
BS 4300/1
BS 4300/14
BS 4300/15
CP 3:Chapter V:Part 1
CP 143:Part 7
CP 231
ISO/R 209
DTD 775

Replaced by BS 8118-1:1991 and BS 8118-2:1991 but remains current.

Incorporates the following:
AMD 1129

Product Details

Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 4.9 MB
Product Code(s):
00030527, 00030527, 00030527
This product is unavailable in United Kingdom